Thursday, April 2, 2015

Check her out Kimberly Henderson - Tiny Hearts

I chose this picture because this is a young woman who is just a regular mom like me. She can blow! Who thought a mom like this could do this with her voice? The song is telling you that she knows who she is. Just check her out. She is really good.

WE #10 - Attitude

Your attitude is what tells a person the type of person you are as a person. When working in a workplace your attitude needs to always be positive at all times. I have always tried to be positive when I am working. My attitude is to be good even when I am having a bad day. I never bring a negative attitude to work with me. A positive attitude will take you a long way in your workplace or anywhere.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

WE# 6 Communication

When you are working with anyone is is good to have good communication skills. In order for your work to get done properly, you have to work with your boss by asking questions. Is there anything else you need for me to do. If you will be late to work it is good to give your boss a heads up if you have the proper time to do so. Without the right communication, you can through of the entire team. Communicating with everyone is not just for work it is for home as well. When you want your child to do something it is good to tell them ahead of time or write them a note explaining what you want them to do. Communication is a part of our everyday lives and it is good to communicate in any situation.

Thursday, March 26, 2015


Viewers check out my voki and tell me what you think.

I just made a new Voki. See it here:

I just made a new Voki. See it here:
<object height="267" width="200" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"codebase=",0,28,0" id="widget_name"><param name="movie" value="" /><param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><param name="width" value="200" /><param name="height" value="267" /><param name="allowNetworking" value="all"/><param name="wmode" value="transparent" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><embed height="267" width="200" src="" quality="high" allowScriptAccess="always" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" allowFullScreen="true" pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" name="widget_name"></object>

I just made a new Voki. See it here:

I just made a new Voki. See it here:

Erika Coleman:

Erika Coleman:

Wednesday, March 25, 2015


When you are in a workplace your attitude is the first to be noticed by your co-workers. In any environment, you need to let your attitude reflect who you are as a person. If you want your co-workers to like you or get along with you, you need to show them that you are a positive person inside and out. Your attitude represents who you are as a person and as a co-worker. So always give off a good attitude so that a person can see the good in you.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Social Media Lawsuit

Lindsay Lohan vs. the Talking Babies

Actress and sometimes singer Lindsay Lohan filed a lawsuit against financial services company E-Trade on March 8, 2010, saying one of its television ads "used her name and characterization" without her permission.  I feel that if you are going to use someone in a  commercial get their permission first and this will keep  lawsuits like this out of the air. I do feel that she is trying to make some quick cash because this is not the only lawsuit she has been involved in. Lohan is seeking $100 million in damages. That's a lot of money for the talking baby commercial.,28804,1970915_1970917_1970914,00.html

Tuesday, March 10, 2015


Team Work

Teamwork is just what it say TEAMWORK. This means to work together to get the job done faster and efficiently. They say “It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed (Napoleon Hill). When you work as a team you will be stronger together. In unity there is strength and when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved (Mattie J.T. Stepanek).” This means we all need to work together in order to succeed in all areas in life and on or jobs. I don’t work good with others when I am trying to do something, it’s only because on my job I am the only one that is taking care of my client. So when it’s time for me to work with others it’s very hard but I know if I ever want another job I will have to be a team player.

WE #3 - Respect


When you RESPECT yourself to the fullest others will RESPECT you too. I feel that RESPECT is not something that comes easy, but if you show RESPECT to other I am sure you will earn their RESPECT in return. I’m always telling my oldest child all the time, RESPECT yourself and others; even if they don’t RESPECT you. When someone is DISRESPECTING you don’t do the same to them show them what true RESPECT can do. Life is full of hatred but at the end of the day everyone needs to RESPECT each other’s property, life, and feelings and then maybe the world can began to be a better place for us all. RESPECT everyone deserves it.
I try my hardest to respect everyone and their feelings but sometimes i let the devil get to me and i say things to some people that are hurtful and i have prayed to stop doing that. I have to tell myself what i tell my children don't disrespect anyone if you don't want know one disrespecting you in return.

Recycle Bin (Windows) or Trash (Mac)

What can I do with deleted files that have been sent to the Recycle Bin (Windows) or Trash (Mac)?

The trash also known as the recycle bin is temporary storage for files that have been deleted in a file manager by the user, but not yet permanently erased from the file system. When allowing the user to browse deleted files, undeleted those that were deleted by mistake, or delete them permanently. Either one by one, or by the "Empty Trash" function. So don’t worry if you make a mistake and think it is all gone, because its not.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Work Ethic #2 Attendance

Erika Coleman
Mrs. Parker
February 24, 2015

Attendance is very important. On any job or even at school. In order to get the perfect job that you want, try showing up 10 min early. That lets the employer know that you are willing and able to be on time. When attending your classes weather in class or online it is always best to login even if you are just checking to see if you have a new message. Just like on any job you have to be committed to working with your team members. That is always showing up on time to work as a team. Be willing to stay late if you are needed. Attendance is a part of our everyday lives. If you think about it, from the time you wake up and get your day started you are using attendance. For instance, if you are late waking up then; you will most likely be late getting the children off to school and you will be running late to work. I have my hands full every morning I try getting up at 5:30 a.m. So that I can get myself ready, then my 5 year old. It don’t always go as planned. I am either getting up later than I want so then I am rushing getting my son ready then myself after he’s on the bus. So I decided that I need to go to bed earlier so that I can get up on time so that I don’t have to rush myself or be late. I think that it will work.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

WE #1 - Character

Work Ethic means to me: always doing your best and putting your best foot forward know matter what. Taking your job serious and being respectful to everyone. Being helpful even when its not your job.

Team work is always working together to make sure all jobs or done effectively and on time. When employee with high sense of teamwork helps a team meet its goals and deliver quality work. The employee is to respect their peers and help when they can, always making collaborations go smoother.
I will always check and see if anyone needs help when i am done with my on work.

Sense of responsibility is a strong sense of responsibility affects how an employee works and the amount of work he or she does. When the employee feels personally responsible for his or her job performance. They will arrive on time. Put there best effort and complete the duties to there best ability.

I will make sure i am on time to get my job done in a timely matter. 

Integrity stretches to all aspects of an employee's job. An employee with integrity fosters trusting relationships with there clients, coworkers, supervisors and boss. Coworkers value the employee's ability to give honest feedback when asked. The clients needs to know they can trust the person taking care of them at all time.

I feel that when being honest with myself and other they will trust me with anything they ask of me.

Introduction Erika Coleman

Hello, Blogger My name is Erika Coleman and you can call me Erika. I am attending Bainbridge College. I am a CNA and I work for PCHS, INC. of Albany GA. I have been there for quiet some time now and I love it. I am going to college to further my education in nursing. I really love and enjoy what I do.